Split Galleries
Gallery of photos of Split, Trogir, and Salona in Croatia. Images include Diocletian's Palace, the walled city of Trogir, the ancient Roman city of Salona.
Gallery of Images from Diocletian's Palace

Passage way through the palace

A pigeon in the basement of Diocletian's Palace

A garden and laundry show peoples lives in the palace

Cheryl and Rick in the palace basement

The dome in the basement of the palace

The stonework detail of the dome in the palace basement

Cheryl walking in the Golden Gate of the palace

The basement of the palace

The polished marble of the palace street

The clock tower shows the Venetian influence

The palace at night is very dramatic

Looking up the clock tower from the square of the palace

the musicians entertain visitors to the palace every night

Looking through the open rotunda of the palace

One of the hallways of the palace

The marble square just outside the palace walls

The emperor was often symbolized by a lion. This lion guards the entrance to Diocletian's mausoleum

The palace ruins from Diocletian's dining room

Looking to the walls from the palace ruins

The bell tower of the church above the mausoleum

The roma centurions are still in the palace at times

One of the marble columns of the palace

Admiring the sarcophagus in the cathedral

The silver and gold of the cathedral

The musicians of the palace at night

The ornate cathedral

The columns of the mausoleum in the palace at night

One of the ancient egyptian sphinxes of the palace

People in the square at night enjoying the music from the Luxor

People enjoying the palace at night

One of the lions of Diocletian guarding his mausoleum
Gallery of Images of Trogir and Salona

Trogir was protected by water

Cheryl walking up the bell tower of Trogir

The public square in front of Trogir

The bell and clapper in the tower of Trogir

Looking to the harbor of Trogir from the bell towe

Trogir as seen from the bell tower

One of the beautiful sarcophagus in Salona

There is a wedding party tonight in the old fortress

The Necoropolis of Salona

The ruins of the necropolis of Salona

This image has a snapshot of life in Trogir

An ancient arched bridge covered a river in ancient Salona