There are many views of Venice
Venice in Color
A collection of images of Venice in day and night. The canals. The gondolas. The marble. The palace. The streets with drying clothes. The communist party headquarters.

The gondolas are on the canal between the Doge's palace and the prison passing under the bridge of sighs.

A nice dinner on the grand canal in the evening

A Gondolier is waiting for customers on the grand canal in the evening

One of the canals in venice int he quiet of the evening.

Look up in the streets of Venice to find everyday life of the Venetians.

One of the many boat taxis in Venice

In the early morning before the crowds the canals are quiet.

A woman with an umbrella is walking int he morning rain on a Venetian street

One of the arches of Venice going to a square

One of the local markets in Venice is on a boat

A couple of women are walking in one of the few streets in Venice. When Napoleon conquered Venice he wanted to turn the canals in to streets. This is one of the few streets he created.

The communist party headquarters in Venice has a shrine to Jesus

A fisherman is selling his daily catch at the Rialto fish marke

The Rialto fish market is alive every morning with the daily catch

The gondola moving in the waves of the grand canal at night.

At about 2 AM you can see the San Marco square without the crowds

One of the canals in the evening

Looking to San Giorgio Maggorie, the moon is setting as the morning sun is rising and lighting the clouds.

Taken from San Marco square, looking to the island of San Giorgio Maggiore in the morning

The boat is coming from San Giorgio Maggiore in the morning light

The rising sun lights Santa Maria del Salute while the gondolas on the canal wait for the customers to wake.

I wish I could remember which church this is. We just walked in one day. Stunning and different.

The rising sun lights Santa Maria del Salute while the gondolas on the canal wait for the customers to wake.

The gondolas and San Giorgio in the morning sun

The morning sun rising over the gondolas on the grand canal in Venice

Cheryl is peeking from behind the row of columns at the Doge's Palace

The grand staircase at the Doge's palace

One of the windows at the Doge's palace with the shadow of the roof on the wall

The bridge of sighs connects the Doge's palace to the prison. It received its name from the sighs of prisoners that were looking through the windows to their final view of Venice.

I just liked the colorful face in this house.

These are 2 of the stone statues that were originally in Constantinople. It is claimed to be the Four Tetrarchs from the rule of Diocletian. They were taken when Venice conquered Constantinople in the fourth crusade.

One of the mosaics on San Marco

There is a cafe on the 2nd floor of the museum on San Marco. You can get a pleasant coffee and snack away from the crowds with an excellent view of San Marco Square

The gondolier is ready for his passengers

In the afternoon the crowds fill San Marco square

Riding a gondola through the canals in Venice is a must. Take the long route. You will be happy you did.

You must. You simply must take a gondola ride though Venice

Riding the gondola under one of the many bridges that span the canals of Venice

These bronze horses were taken from the hippodrome of Constantinople during the 4th crusade. It is rumored that they were originally cast in ancient Greece.

The setting sun brings colorful skies to the canals of Venice

The setting sun warmly lights the arches of the Doge's Palace in Venice

Venice in Black and White
Sometimes the simplicity of black and white brings out the subtle beauty

There is a department store next to the Rialto bridge. This image is taken from the observation deck on the rook of the store

Walking up the Rialto steps in the evening is tranquil

The bows of two gondolas at night.

The San Marco square is quiet in the late evening. Taken around 1 AM.

A Gondolier at work

The marble arches and columns line the balcony at the Doge's palace

The marbled columns of San Marco

The marbled arches of Doge's palace in the morning light

The church and campanile of San Girogo as seen from San Marco square

The San Giorgio cathedral is in the distance over the gondolas next to San Marco square.

The bow blades of two gondolas

A Gondolier is working his oar to navigate the canals
The Island of Burano
Burano is an island in the Venetian lagoon. Burano is obsessed with color. Simple beauty everywhere. The boat from Venice will take you to another world.

The canal of Burano lined with colorful buildings

A bike leaning against the colorful walls on Burano

The colorful buildings reflecting in the canal of Burano

The bell tower of Burano leans with the colorful canal in the foreground

The color of the walls and the flower have to match

The rain on the street is reflecting the color of the buildings in Burano.

A woman walks in the rain through Burano

The old bell tower of Burano leaning over the colorful homes

The colorful homes of Burano

The colorful homes of Burano line the canal

The street light illuminates the town of Burano

The canal of Burano at night after dinner